Have you discovered hidden gems in your resort? Do you know that with a seasoned resort operation management, you can register healthy profit in a timely manner?
Stonewood Resort Management is one of the few companies in India, handling both – resort development and Hotel and Resort Management
This unique capability gives Stonewood a cutting edge when it comes to handling resort operations. Operational excellence in resorts is a tricky business. Sometimes there are few obvious flaws with not-so-obvious solutions. This is where you can count on Stonewood.
As one of the best resort management consultants in India, we have a strong operational team, managing more than 6 resorts consistently.
We have streamlined resort operations and have created a centre of excellence in each area of operations like:
- Resort Maintainance (equipment and staff training)
- Standardising sales process (From presales inquiry handling to post-sales personal feedback of each customer.)
- Staff training and handling.
With our extensive research and practical experience in resort operational excellence, our guests are left with delight. They prefer to come back to our resort chains with their family and friends! Each resort we have managed created a unique experience for our guests, and they are left with the “wow factor” every resort owner wants for their guests.
Every resort has some hidden “gems”, which at first looks like a pain-point or a non-solvable problem. Once the Stonewood team surveys your resort, we will evaluate all such hidden points, and our expert team will then invent new solutions. For example, the “menu” of restaurants in resorts is one such hidden gem. Once our F&B expert team fires up their culinary brain, they will cook a perfect menu for your resort location!
There are many such on-the-ground aspects which affect resort operations. Stonewood built a strong foundation, crystalising our best practices, setting standard operational procedures, which help us in running resorts for clients successfully.
Each resort location we have handled in past years created a unique experience of our guests. We operate from the principle that guests are our family members, and we must take care of them in the same way. So far, we have received zero complaints from our guests, and we want to continue that trend.
There are many such Hotel and Resort Management best practices that we have developed, giving the resort owners cutting edge in today’s markets.
So, if you want to experience the best resort management experience, please feel free to meet us, we would love to have a chat with you!